Hawaiian Energetics – Initial Training – October 10-13, 2019

Makawao, Maui, Hawaii  | Instructor:  Kumu Pono'uhane Vrenios The Hawaiian Energetics - Initial 3+ Day Training shares the core wisdom at the heart of our lineage teachings. The concentration of this training is in the healing and spiritual arts of the Medical Kahuna. Through hands-on learning, the course provides a foundation for thought, exploration, and […]

Virtual Living Aloha Workshop | 8-30-20

The Hawaiian word for love is “aloha,” and can be literally translated as “the joyful sharing of life.” Living aloha requires us to look inside, observe ourselves and make choices which promote positive movement. When we increase the flow of love and joy in ourselves, we can shed our fears and self-doubts, and increase our […]

$40.00 – $60.00